Hi, I'm Angela

I'm on a mission to empower women on their weight loss journey. I am committed to helping you transform your life, regain your energy, and embrace a healthier, more confident future.

Ready to start now? Watch my free 20 minute workshop on ending the all or nothing diet cycle and never fall off the wagon again!

It's time for YOU to get the weight loss results you deserve. Let's break the yo yo diet cycle TODAY...

I bet you're good at dieting right? You know how to lose a few pounds? But keeping it off and being able to enjoy life... that's the challenge right?! Not any more! My SHREDitall coaching programme is going to help you overcome exactly that issue of making weight loss last, once and for all. It's an education, a journey of discovery and like nothing you've done before... (which is why it really works).

Stop saying 'diet starts Monday'

If you've found your way here, I am guessing you've been on a diet for most of your adult life, maybe longer... Let's change that. How about we get you eating food you actually enjoy? Just in a way that works for your goals, there is no food off limits here. (Just clever ways to work those foods in to your diet.)

Be kind to yourself.

Another side effect of dieting is feeling like a failure. Feeling like nothing works for you, you can't do it and you're never going to achieve your goals right? No! Your goals are ready and waiting for you. You can get there, you can have a body that you feel good about. A big part of what we'll focus on is confidence and kindness to yourself.

Let it be EASY.

The internet 'gurus' would have you believe that in order for it to 'work', it needs to be hard. You must sweat, hustle, grind or drink magic potions that cost the earth. I'm calling total BS on all of that. At Next Level Nutrition, we focus on making is as simple as possible. If you enjoy a sandwich at lunchtime, let's make great sandwiches. Simple.

Work with me

We know everyone is starting this weight loss journey from different places. So let me tell you how you can work with me. Let's SHREDitall together, get rid of those limiting beliefs, end self sabotage, build your nutrition knowledge so you know exactly what to eat for weight loss and build rock solid habits so you never have to rely on motivation again! Your time is NOW.

SHREDitall 1:1 Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

It's time to feel your very best and overcome those diet demons once and for all.

SHREDitall, my 1:1 nutrition & lifestyle coaching programme will ensure you lose weight regain confidence and feel better than you did 10 years ago.

This programme is for you if you're ready for MORE energy, confidence and control.

This is for you if you’re a woman who knows she’s ready for so much more than ‘just another diet’. 

💖 MORE loving what you see when you look in the mirror

💖 MORE confidence with how you look and feel in your clothes

💖 MORE energy to run around after your kids

💖 MORE feeling in control around food

💖 MORE saying yes to events, and feeling amazing in your jeans whilst attending fun events with the people you love

What's included?

  • Weekly online or by phone/video nutrition and mindset review
  • Daily Text message access
  • Creation of your best diet & lifestyle plan
  • How to set effective goals & build the habits and mindset needed for weight loss that lasts.

Online or Phone/Video call options available

Our customers love us

"Her supportive approach combined with expert knowledge has helped me achieve changes to my body and overall health in just a few months that I never thought were possible - thank you for doing what you do (and doing it so well)!"

- Dr Kelvin Revere, Next Level Nutrition Ltd client (2022)

"This is not a diet, Angela has completely changed my mind set around food. I eat more health and more balanced meals each day. I still eat out and can have a drink."

- Anna Wilson. Next Level Nutrition Ltd client (2022)

"I would highly recommend Angela for anyone looking to take control of their health and build better habits. Her knowledge and empathetic approach have helped me to get my nutrition on track and to feel more confident that I know what I need to do in the future."

- Emma Bell-Scott. Next Level Nutrition Ltd client (2022)"

Apply for 1:1 High Level Coaching today

Meet Angela.

Hi, I'm Angela. A university qualified nutritionist with 7+ years of experience in coaching people just like you to achieve their weight & health goals. I'm passionate about helping women, especially people pleasers (like me!) take back control of their health and happiness by prioritising their needs so they can feel in control and get out of headless chicken mode!

Let me guess...you're brilliant at helping others. You're the 'go to' friend or family member who everyone counts on. You're always on hand with advice and help... but what about your goals? Remember them?

I know you do, that's why you're here and that's exactly what I can help you with. Putting YOU back on the priority list, sorting out your food and routine, getting some movement back in your day and giving you the accountability to make it happen. This is YOUR time!

If this sounds like you and you're ready to invest in YOU, let's talk, it's totally free and will just take a minute to complete a quick application form - so I know who I'm going to be chatting with.

Let's have a chat (click here)

How does it SHREDitall 1:1 Coaching programme work?

As your nutritionist, cheerleader and occasional agony aunt (trust me, there will be times when you need to rant and that's cool, it's all part of the 100% confidential service) here's what we will work on together.



First we're going to deep dive back into your past to remember how you used to like to eat before WW and Slimming World and Atkins messed up your head so much, you don't even remember what you really enjoy anymore.



Then there will be some experimentation. Like when you were a teenager and trying out new hair colours except with meals, snacks and new ways of doing things. Some will work and some will be like that awful tint you just hated. It's all ok. This is discovering what's going to work and not work for you.


Plan, Create, & Do!

We are going to use your amazing skills, the ones that make sure everyone else you know has what they need, except we're going to apply it to YOU. We will look for systems, plans, and any ideas that will make you feel confident in every choice you make.



Now you're flying. You're eating meals you enjoy. You're feeling fantastic in your clothes again, you're even having to buy new pants. Let's test, tweak and embed these habits for life.


Long term change

Finally, we'll be nearing the end of our journey because you won't need me any more! You will instinctively know what to choose, how to balance your day and how to feel good about your choices - even if that choice is high calorie and indulgent because you will know how to handle those feelings and refocus with kindness.

I've learnt to love ALL food and by removing restrictions and approaching everything with compassion I've managed to reverse a lot of damage and mental obstacles that the diet industry has taught me over the last 20 years.

Angela is so friendly and non-judgemental and is clearly so passionate about helping people to make life-long changes with food.

Empowering her clients is at the heart of what she does which also includes providing lots of resources, knowledge and kindness.

- Hannah McHaffie, 1:1 Coaching Client 2022

— Karen S.